Saturday 9 October 2010

.2. The Subversive sound - Poetry and action fused together

Dear listener/consumer,

So what is the subversive sound? That is the first question that we have to ask ourselves. Is there even such a thing? The parameters of the modern ways of production force us to guide creativity into certain areas where it is safe and where the capital can co-opt it in a secure way. So therefore there will never be talk about any sort of music that in itself can be subversive or revolutionary. The idea of such a sound under present conditions is laughable. Music is nothing but an abstraction of old and dull idea of bourgeois self-realisation, the self made success of the creative artist, thus leaving the rest to choke in the dust, settled to consume "creativity" in a boring package. Artists become nostalgia items repeating the same boring phrases over and over again, and the consumers become consumers of boredomand alienation. The taste for change gets satisfied in a change of taste. Instead of selling revolution we sell ideas of rebellion packaged in nice wrapping coated with rhetoric of the self styled leader. Instead of quality we settle for quantity, we get force fed the same songs over and over again. We get taught to believe that the emotions expressed in songs can be relived again and again by the artist and the audience, not realising that when the song is written it is already dead, it is already a bleak and hollow representation of the process that made the peice appear in the first place. We settle for second rate emotions and for the copy instead of the original outburst of life.

The self acclaimed artistic avant-garde is also guilty in every way possible, even though they believe that they are not as fully co-opted by capital accumulation thay all know that they are in the forefront of playing the creative genius, they are by definition the upholders of class. In a world of experts and leaders they are striving the hardest to be recognised as truest dealers of boredom with their self appointed suffering and bogus creativity. They are the bourgeois bastion of self realisation at the cost of everyone else.

Even though the safeguards of the industry tries to gain access to the most radical ideas to be able to sell it back to us in a non threatening and profitable way, or put them in the museum, there are still ideas that transcend this trend.

The only aspect of creativity that can be even the slightest bit dangerous will be ideas behind the music, the passion that drives us forward, never the music/art in itself. There has to be a new kind of art aimed at itself, an art directed to the negation of art. Marx said that when we are free we will all be artists and that is the essence of the subversive sound, everything to everyone. A passionate creation of living, this will be the new art, a sound more powerful than any rock act can ever produce and poetry that will make Lautreamont, Shakespeare and Fourier seem like nothing, and violence that will be more beautiful than any fireworks exhibition or parade of Russian soldiers. A new form of expression where the material is everywhere and the standards are nowhere. The collective effort to find new ways of communication has to be put on top of our list, so that we can all live and create in ways unheard of by the boring people.

-The Black Mask Sub-committee of Violence and passion.

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