Saturday 9 October 2010

.8. Only lovers left alive - True romance

excerpts from a diary found in the year 2009

for the first time in my life I can taste the true excitement. With sweat running down my back and a smile on my face, it is difficult to even type this out. It isn't an accident or even strange that it is happening, it had been in the works for ages, but it finally seemed like now is the time. For too long we accepted high rising concrete buildings and pollution and inner city traffic, experts, doctors, bosses and politicians fucking us up. Somehow along the way we got used to never feeling fulfilled or happy, we got used to taking drugs to cure our depression and to cure our alienation. We got used to working 8 hours a day producing commodities, and becoming commodities and buying commodities. We got used to spending our lives in a sedated state, of never living, just surviving. But today all that is changing, the little secret that we all shared was being revealed to the world. Now i am almost running, my legs can't stop and i am too exhilarated to slow down. On the corner beneath the streetlight I meet up with a comrade, she is smiling, not hiding the passion that she feels. We hug and exchange a few short phrases. She met some other people on the way over that confirmed that it is finally happening. There are no cops on the streets just people, young and beautiful and alive walking in groups or alone, down to the square. There are no leaders, no unions, or parties behind it. Most people don't really know what is going on but they could feel the air was different, breathable, alive. You see, the universal idea of resistance and rebellion that had been lurking under modern ways of production had suddenly sprung to life, no one even needed to say it out loud. Suddenly people stopped working, they stopped listening to the bosses and the self acclaimed leaders, people started to deconstruct the oppression that had been over them for years, for their entire lives. It is a beautiful occurence, the city is filled with colours and flags and people saying hello to each other and kissing passionately with strangers. Music is coming from buildings all over and people are dancing on every rooftop, in every alleyway. The old conservative forces will try to prevent it for a short whilebut their attempts will be futile, most of their attacks will end in humiliation. There will be a couple of days of fighting but everyday more and more people will throw off their uniforms and join in with the ranks of celebratiing, passionate, revolutionaries that are taking over the city. Things are being built at a faster rate than the old culture is being dismantled, and after a few days the city will totally change character, the only cars you will ever see used only for driving food or other necessities. About two weeks after the first signs of insurrection something will happen, the old and ugly will gather in a park down by the harbour where they will kill themselves with Easyways sleeping pills. They do it because it is clear to them that we will never let the world go back to what it was and that will be too much for some to deal with. Now it belongs to us, the passionate, the young, the loving. Now it is up to us. Now there are only lovers left alive. As i rush to the square with my friends and many others that I will from now on call comrade or lover or sister, I cry openly. This is nothing short of everything that we could have ever dreamed of. This is the beginning and now it is up to us. Now begins the creation of our history, this is our time, away from the production line, this is a time like never before; this is revolution...

-The Black Mask Sub-committee of Violence and passion

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