Saturday 9 October 2010

.9. Do I have to spell it out - Smash the neo-liberal agenda

organist//n.the player of an organ.

organize//v. tr.(also-ise) 1 a give an orderly structure to, systemize. b bring the affairs of (another person or oneself) into order; make arrangements for (a person). 2 a arrange for or initiate (a scheme etc.). b provide; take responsibility for (organize a wildcatstrike). 3 (often. absol.) a enroll (new members) in a trade union, political group etc. b form (a trade union or other political group). 4 a enable (a group or oneself) to offer resistance against the oppressive discourse of capitalist leadership (the man). b provide a theoretical foundation to understand the fascism-generating structures of the widely differentiated labourmarket (scapegoating so called immigrants would not be as much an issue of ethnicity, but one of class). 5 a promote a less instrumental use of traditional learning facilities (schools, libraries etc.). b encourage learning beyond mere survival. 6 smash the neo-liberal dream. 7 a support the overtaking of the workplace, thus enabling people to build their own communities and fly their own airplanes (see the AAA for space exploration). b give confidence (to a person or group of persons) to realise that heroism can and will be achieved by all. 8 a confirm the suspicion that people are more than a professional title. b encourage the change of (old, boring, forced etc.) identities (see #6). 9 a give meaning to the old abbreviations (CNT, SAC, IWW etc.).b when the time is right, remove the meaning from above mentioned abbreviations (showing that further divisions are most unwanted). 10 a take it into one's own hands. b do i have to spell it out?

orgy//n.(pl.-ies) 1 a wild drunken festivity at which indiscriminate sexual activity takes place. 2 excessive indulgence in an activity. 3 (usu. inpl.)Gk. & Rom. Hist. secret rites used in the worship of esp. Bacchus, celebrated with dancing, drunkenness, singing etc.

-The Black Mask Sub-committee of Violence and passion.

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